Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Why in the hell is it SO hard to do? AND, why is it that we communicate in one way or another, even when we don't want to!?
We dress one way, say one thing, move a bit here or there, and it all comes out saying something we didn't even have on our minds. Like when we wanna say "Why aren't you coming home, did I do something wrong?" but it comes across as "Who do you think you are, you know nothing about me, die."
But you see, as you are reading this, it isn't making any sence because you are really thinking about the weather or some paper you have due on Thursday...whereas on the other hand it is making perfect sence because that's just the way you are.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say it - communication sucks - period.

(but you knew that already, didn't you?)