Tuesday, September 29, 2009

$ $ job $ $

Now I know the economy has been a "little" tight for quite some time now; but honestly, I haven't really felt it until today, so much so that I can't even buy my meds...and it sucks.
Obviously everyone has their own long drawn out story of how they got into the situation they are in at the moment, so I'm gonna try to condense mine down a bit. A few months ago I moved out - it sucked - quit my very well paying job - moved home- bought a car - now I'm broke because I have a car payment, school tuition, and rent for an apartment I'm not even living in!
But I've been very good about spending my money wisely, stretching it out to the very last cent, and not dipping into my savings until I absolutely had too (which was today).
Today I had to pay = rent, electricity, and water....gas and car isn't due for another 2 weeks. But unfortunately, I don't have a job, and have literally 1 penny in my savings account as of a few hours ago.
Is ther any hope of me being able to get a job in the next few days that pays enough to help me out of thie whole I dug for myself???
I guess you could officially call today, a major wake up call...

{ SSI }

Sunday, September 27, 2009

{ Starter }

Aright first timers...I had the idea to start this blog about a week ago. Everything has been getting started and major changes are finally starting to sink deep within my cement skin.
So I thought it would be a pretty awesome idea to have a different way of expressing myself, other than my usuall cruddy customs.
I know this post is a little (alot) boring and holds no deep/random/orginal thoughts or anything like it for that matter...I just wanted to make sure I actually post something!
Thus, this is what you get until I get my thoughts in order so that they make sence to those of you who aren't in my head.

{ SSI }